Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I was reading ms.jazz blog about how she has a class for a drug lessen so they don’t have to you any drugs, I have to agree with this blog that every school need this kind of class. The bill that have been written at the time it should have to pass both side because drug I one of the most problem in every country that they have. Most people do a drug test for work and other purpose but almost have of the people they will not pass the test. They might say it the people who make the test are wrong. So I believe that if that bill has passed is kind of problem will not happen and people want have to worry about felling the drug test or not.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

should we Put Texas education fund in new, expert hands

Why should we Put Texas education fund in new, expert hands. What is the point of changing people if they don’t know what they are doing even if the Texas House of Representatives has approved and sent to the Senate a much-needed change in the oversight of the $17.5 billion Permanent School Fund? It is not about the money they can provide us much money they could the thing is if the expert know what to do with the money and how to provide it to the school Texas educations will be in good hand; but they have people in the board of education that have a different can of levees in the education. Like for example form one of the news “in recent years, has seemed most focused on battling over the teaching of evolution in textbooks and back-to-the-future teaching standards.” For me this is just wasting time it just science about the world they know that they just went to school just like as what is the point of changing the educations style they know that ever thing change in time. The other thing is that the school fund also holds about 46.5 million acres of land, including mineral rights to 7.1 million acres. The fund also can be used to guarantee bonds issued by school districts to pay for classroom buildings. fund has lost about 24 percent of its value since last fall, but it is hardly alone in that — other major state investment funds also have taken big losses in the recent stock market crash.
So I have to agree with the editor that the schoolchildren of Texas will benefit if this important mission is taken away from the State Board of Education and given to people who actually know what they're doing. They might give a chance to the education to have a chance to teach without any problem.