The author of an editorial published in the Austin American Statesman declares
Should Texas judge Keller stand trial for rejecting an appeal filed after hours. This author does not believe that it is imperative that Sharon Keller was at home when Marty called to ask her if the court clerk's office could remain open after 5 p.m. to receive Richard's petition. Keller said no. She now says that she told Marty the clerk's office, not the court, would close at 5 p.m. As if that made a difference. Michael Richard, a man who was convicted of capital murder by our own court system, twice, and who spent 20 years of our tax dollars sitting in our prisons, has only recently received the due penalty for his crimes. Furthermore, the honorable judge sharon keller of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals is being called a "killer" because she finally threw the book at Richard, refusing to succumb to one more senseless scandal by the money-hungry defense.This issue has never been about Richard's guilt or innocence, but about the lack of common decency in refusing his appeal because it would arrive after 5 p.m. Keller should answer for her actions in a public trial.
Facing such withering criticism, Keller, 55, may retire or resign rather than stand trial. She has until March 5 to answer the charges from the commission, and her attorney, Chip Babcock, has said she could win the case on the facts. The editorial may have been more influential to readers that whether should Keller stand in trial for rejecting an appeal filed after an hour even thought they have been numerous calls for Keller to resign, and a resolution has been introduced in the state Legislature to start impeachment proceedings against her. Last week, the State Commission on Judicial Conduct charged Keller with five counts of violating her duty and discrediting the court in the Richard case. For me the way I think about this editorial news the allegations against Keller in the judicial conduct commission's findings are devastating. She and the other judges knew Richard's attorneys likely would appeal his sentence after the U.S.